log books

美 [lɔːɡ bʊks]英 [lɒɡ bʊks]
  • n.日志簿;日记簿
  • log book的复数
log bookslog books

log books


  • 1
    N-COUNT 日志簿;日记簿
    A log book is a book in which someone records details and events relating to something, for example a journey or period of their life, or a vehicle.

  1. The major statistical data are taken from the log books of two coastal passenger liners .


  2. Keep log books and reports of such incidents to help determine any necessary actions to prevent recurrences .


  3. Keep all records , log books , log sheets , maintenance job cards , etc. , in neat order to the satisfaction of the engineer .


  4. Association rules algorithm is applied to find the association between borrowing and flow log of books , and thus guide borrow behavior of the readers and provide .
